1163 Ranger Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028
(760) 728-7172
MON-FRI 8-12 and 1-4 | SAT 8-12
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- Specializing In Avocado Trees -
We Also Carry a Wide Variety of Fruit Trees that Grow Well in Southern California
Family owned and operated for over 50 years, we are experts in our field. We pride ourselves on high-quality plants and service.
Whether you are planting a grove, stocking your nursery, or planting a fruit tree in your backyard, we can help!

1163 Ranger Rd. Fallbrook, Ca

Take A Look Around
Take A Look Around 〰️

We have many varieties of avocados, deciduous, and other fruit trees available in 5-gallon, 15-gallon, and 24" box sizes. Check out what we have to offer on our
Tree Varieties pages, as well as information on choosing and maintaining your trees, are on our Helpful Tips page.